Census Statistics

The early Census statistics

All the statistics used have come from the Histpop – The Online Historical Population Reports Website

  • 18011
  • 18112
  • 18213
  • 18314

1801-1821 Census St. Mary Bourne

Houses Occupations Persons
Inhabited By how many families occupied Building Uninhabited Families chiefly employed in Agriculture Families chiefly employed in Trade, Manufactures, or Handicrafts All other families not comprized in the two proceeding CLASSES Males Females Total of Persons
1801 184 184 - 7 271 68 0 368 403 771
1811 184 191 0 2 155 32 4 455 419 874
1821 225 225 0 1 180 41 4 562 491 1053

1831 Census St Mary Bourne (Part 1)

Area Houses Occupations Persons
English Statute Acres Inhabited Families Uninhabited Building Families chiefly employed in Agriculture Families chiefly employed in Trade, Manufactures, or Handicrafts All other families not comprized in the two proceeding CLASSES Males Females Total of Persons
6640 201 222 3 0 162 40 20 560 565 1125

1831 Census St Mary Bourne (Part 2)

Agriculture Male Servants
Males 20 years of Age Occupiers employing Labourers Occupiers not employing labourers Labourers employed in Agriculture Employed in manufacture or making manufacturing machinery Employed in Retail Trade, or in Handicraft as Masters or Workmen Capitalists, Bankers, Professional, and other Educated Men Labourers employed in Labour no Agricultural  Other males 20 years of age (except Servants) 20 Years of Age Under 20 Years of Age Female Servants
221 28 0 153 0 12 1 11 4 12 9 24

  1. Census of Great Britain, 1801, Abstract of the answers and returns made pursuant to an Act, passed in the forty-first year of His Majesty King George III. intituled “An act for taking an account of the population of Great Britain, and the increase or diminution thereof”. Enumeration. Part I. England and Wales. Part II. Scotland BPP 1801-02 VI (9) 322 ↩︎
  2. Census of Great Britain, 1811, Abstract of the answers and returns made pursuant to an Act, passed in the fifty-first year of His Majesty King George III. intituled “An act for taking an account of the population of Great Britain, and of the increase or diminution thereof”. Preliminary observations. Enumeration abstract BPP 1812 XI (316) 298 ↩︎
  3. Census of Great Britain, 1821, Abstract of the answers and returns made pursuant to an Act, passed in the first year of the reign of His Majesty King George IV, intituled, “An Act for taking an account of the population of Great Britain, and of the increase or diminution thereof”. Preliminary observations. Enumeration abstract. Parish register abstract, 1821 BPP 1822 XV (502) 297 ↩︎
  4. Census of Great Britain, 1831, Abstract of the answers and returns made pursuant to an Act, passed in the eleventh year of the reign of His Majesty King George IV. intituled, “An Act for taking an account of the population of Great Britain, and of the increase or diminution thereof.” Enumeration Abstract. Vol. II. 1831 BPP 1833 XXXVII (149) 572 ↩︎

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