Tithe Map

Extract from the Tithe Map of 1840 for St Mary Bourne1

What is a Tithe Map?

The term tithe map is usually applied to a map of an English or Welsh parish or township, prepared following the Tithe Commutation Act 1836. This act allowed tithes to be paid in cash rather than goods. The map and its accompanying schedule gave the names of all owners and occupiers of land in the parish.


What does it cover for St. Mary Bourne?

IR 30/31/34 – Tithe map of St Mary Bourne (parish), Hampshire. Shows buildings, hedge ownership, footpath and/or bridleway, woods, waterbodies, bridges, weir. Colouring used. Scale: 1 inch to 3 chains.

Grid references: OSGB36: SU 415 515; WGS84: 51.26064, -1.40518]. WGS84 interpolated from OSGB36.

The National Archives3

How will it be used in the study?

The date stated on The Genealogist website for when the evaluation and maps were made is the 28th April 1840. They allow us to learn who owned & occupied each piece of land and the buildings. They also tell us the size of the plot and what was to be paid.

The aim within the study initially is to match the buildings to the 1841 census in order to establish who lived where and what buildings were used as businesses. Comparing the findings to modern maps will establish if the properties are still there today. Using old photographs will help build up a picture of the the village in the 19th century.

The next step will be to investigate the businesses to learn more about what was available in the parish.

  1. https://www.thegenealogist.co.uk/search/advanced/landowner/tithe-records ↩︎
  2. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tithe_map ↩︎
  3. https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/C2306135 ↩︎