Census Statistics

1841 Census Statistics

For this census the statistics have been divided by the tythings of:

  • Binley (includes Gangbridge & Wadwick)
  • Bourne (the village, Jamaica Farm & the area called Link)
  • Egbury (includes Dunley)
  • Stoke
  • Swampton
  • Week
Map showing the area covered by the 1841 Census of the Parish of St. Mary Bourne1

1841 Census, St. Mary Bourne (Part 1)

Area Houses Persons
English Statute Acres Inhabited Uninhabited Building Males Females Total of Persons
Binley 6640 35 0 1 73 65 138
Bourne 87 2 0 192 192 384
Egbury 28 0 0 69 62 131
Stoke 45 4 0 101 85 186
Swampton 51 2 0 113 112 225
Week 19 0 0 49 39 88

1841 Census, St. Mary Bourne (Part 2)

Ages Persons born
Under 20 year 20 years and Upwards
Males Females Males Females In this country Elsewhere
Binley 32 20 41 39 131 7
Bourne 90 90 102 102 376 8
Egbury 29 27 40 35 128 3
Stoke 47 39 54 46 180 6
Swampton 54 55 59 57 218 7
Week 26 17 23 22 84 4

When it comes to the people within the parish of St. Mary Bourne it is clear that very few are not from the county of Hampshire (then Southampton). Further in depth studying has started into exactly where everyone is from, so far the vast majority are from the parish.

What isn’t shown on these statistics2 is that there was only one person that was not from England, this person was from Ireland.

Note: these are the official statistics published by the Government after the Census was taken, further statistics will be published looking in greater detail as what is contained on the census.

  1. https://www.genuki.org.uk/big/eng/HAM/StMaryBourne/ ↩︎
  2. Census of Great Britain, 1841, Abstract of the answers and returns made pursuant to acts 3 & 4 Vic. c.99 and 4 Vic. c.7 intituled respectively “An act for taking an account of the population of Great Britain,” and “An act to amend the acts of the last session for taking an account of the population.” Enumeration Abstract. BPP 1843 XXII (496) 276 ↩︎

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