Local HistoryOn this Day

On this day … 22nd November 1830

The first mention of the main Swing Riot event in St. Mary Bourne was reported in the Hampshire Chronicle on the 13th December 1830. This article didn’t mention those who took part and were leading the mob, those details will follow at a later date.

Unknown author (Dictionnaire d’arts industriels), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons1

“The excesses committed at St. Mary Bourne during the late disturbances were of the most daring character. On Sunday the 21st ult. notice was stuck up, ordering all labourers, &c. to meet the next morning, at 7 o’clock. About 200 assembled, armed with large sticks, pickaxes, and other weapons, and proceeded to several houses, which they entered, and demanded money. At the Vicarage House they took possession of every room, passages, &c. The clergyman’s wife having been dangerously ill for three or four months previously. On being begged to disperse, and being assured that she was extremely ill, they exclaimed “money or blood!” which so alarmed her, that she dropped senseless at the foot of the staircase. The entreaties of the husband were in vain; one of his daughters gave half a sovereign, which induced them to depart, but not without threatening to return and level the house to the ground. By the laudable perseverance of Mr Blunt, the magistrate, the mob were induced to disperse, but many afterwards again assembled, and in addition to other acts of violence, destroyed a machine, the property of Mr Vincent. From Bourne the mob proceeded to the mansion of the Earl of Portsmouth, where their demand for money was complied with. This was the third mob that visited in an outrageous manner the seat of Lord Portsmouth.

The house of Mr Wedge, at Woodcots, was attacked, and two sovereigns obtained. At Mr Wedge’s house, at Buckets Down; at Mr Jolliff’s, and Rev. Dr. Sheppard’s, at Cruxeaston, the exorbitant demands of the lawless multitude were also complied with.”2

Like for the first event mentioned a few days ago, the study will be looking at this event in more detail and all those known to have been involved.

  1. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Batteuse_1881.jpg ↩︎
  2. Hampshire Chronicle, 13 December 1830 ↩︎

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